News from around the land
Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been completing my last week of work and writing reference letters for employees along with planning two trips. I have been working on the Beane count and will hopefully start posting it Tuesday if not earlier. Here's some news flying around today:The Yanks are expected to take on Sheffield's option today and then trade him at some point. Rumor has it that the Orioles have offered Kris Benson + a reliever and that there are many teams interested.
Ex-Blue Jay Orlando Hudson won his second gold glove and there's a nice article here where he credits Brian Butterfield for part of his success.
Some people have asked for definitions of VORP and Win Shares. The best article about VORP that's available on the internet to my knowledge is here by Keith Woolner. As for Win Shares just use wikipedia here. Late on today, I'll update this with some defensive stats (later on today = after going to see Borat, during the football games)
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